Halloween is here, do you feel the scary scent in the air? are you ready for the trick and treat? Well here is Bloody Chain Necklace to make your Halloween a lot more scary than even before.
Five stars to a company that did stand behind their word. They said they would take care of me and delivered. It did take 2 Months to resolve but I am glad they did.
Old Review:
I am a customer of ancrave, and they manufactured a rengoku cloak for me that I ordered well over a month ago. The items colors are the wrong colors and the lettering on the hood is cut off and poorly made. They responded to my review saying they would take care of me and never did. They also deleted my review so I am here to write another one.
Honestly I wasnt expecting the hooded coat to feel so great, never really tried this style of Hood but I highly recommend buying this, The Design is hella amazing and it feel amazing!